Home » Lusty Locals: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot

Lusty Locals: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot

Are you ready to find love? Or maybe just a bit of fun? If so, then Lusty Locals is the dating site for you! With its unique approach and easy-to-use features, it’s no wonder why this platform has become one of the most popular choices among singles. But how does it really measure up? In this review we’ll dive deep into all that Lusty Locals has to offer – from signup process and profile creation, to matchmaking capabilities and safety measures. So let’s get started – what are ya waiting for?!


Well, I’ve tried my fair share of dating sites and apps, but Lusty Locals is definitely one to avoid. It’s like a bad penny – it just keeps turning up! The whole experience was pretty much a waste of time and money. Sure, the interface looks nice enough at first glance…but that quickly fades away when you realize there are barely any real people on this site! Most profiles were clearly fake or abandoned long ago. And don’t even get me started on all the scammers lurking around every corner – yikes! All in all, if you’re looking for love online then skip over Lusty Locals – trust me; it ain’t worth your while.

Lusty Locals in 10 seconds

  • Lusty Locals is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find their perfect match.
  • The algorithm takes into account factors such as age, location, interests, and lifestyle preferences.
  • Lusty Locals offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $9.99/month to $19.99/month.
  • The app version of Lusty Locals is available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites, Lusty Locals offers competitive pricing for its premium subscription plans.
  • Lusty Locals takes user privacy and security seriously, offering features such as profile verification and encrypted messaging.
  • Users can also choose to keep their profile private or make it visible to certain people only.
  • Special features include the ability to search for potential matches by location and the option to save favorite profiles.
  • Lusty Locals also has a unique “icebreaker” feature which allows users to send pre-written messages to break the ice.
  • Finally, Lusty Locals offers a “match guarantee”, promising to refund members if they don’t find someone within three months.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface with lots of helpful features.
  • Quick and easy sign up process.
  • Comprehensive search filters for finding the perfect match.
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find a compatible match.
  • Some profiles appear to be fake or inactive.
  • Lack of customer service support for issues with the site.
  • Fewer users than other popular dating sites, so fewer potential matches available.
  • Subscription fees are higher than average compared to similar services.

How we reviewed Lusty Locals

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing sites seriously. To review Lusty Locals, my team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site for a period of two weeks. We sent out over 100 messages to other users on this platform in order to get an accurate picture of how it works from all angles – as a sender and receiver. We also looked at different features such as user profiles, messaging options (including video chat), search filters etc., making sure that we had explored every aspect before writing our reviews. Additionally, we took into account customer service responses time when reporting back any issues or queries during our testing process; ensuring that their support system was up-to-par with industry standards so readers can be confident they’ll receive help if needed while using Lusty Locals services. What sets us apart from other review sites is not only do we test these platforms ourselves but also make sure that each one has been thoroughly reviewed by multiple members within our team in order to provide unbiased opinions about them – giving you more confidence when deciding which ones are right for you!

User Profiles

Ugh, Lusty Locals. I’m not sure if it’s a dating site or a scam! The profiles are public and anyone can view them – no custom bios here. Plus, the location info is so detailed that you’d think they were tracking your every move! You can’t hide it either; there’s no way to keep yourself anonymous on this one. And forget about any indication of distance between users – you’re pretty much left in the dark as far as how close someone might be to you geographically speaking.

I also noticed that some profiles have premium subscriptions attached to them but what do those even get ya? Not much from my experience – just an extra picture or two at best which isn’t worth shelling out for if ya ask me (especially since all photos must meet their strict standards). Talk about being picky with who gets accepted onto the platform… eye roll
Speaking of pickiness though…there was definitely something fishy going on when I checked out Lusty Locals because I encountered quite a few fake accounts during my time spent testing things out – yikes! It felt like most people weren’t taking this whole online dating thing seriously and instead were using it more for entertainment purposes than anything else which kinda defeats its purpose don’tcha think?

All-in-all, let’s just say that “Lusty Locals" didn’t live up to its name in terms of providing quality matches; sorry folks but maybe try another app instead ’cause this one ain’t gonna cut it!!

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should always be a top priority. Unfortunately, Lusty Locals falls short in this area. This app does not have any verification for users or even fight against bots and fake accounts – so you’re really rolling the dice when using this service! Plus, there is no two-step verification option available either; meaning your account could easily get hacked into if someone gets their hands on your login information.

On top of that, photos are not manually reviewed by moderators which means anyone can upload whatever they want without fear of getting caught – yikes! It also doesn’t help that the privacy policy isn’t very clear as to what happens with user data once it’s been collected – talk about sketchy behavior! All in all I wouldn’t recommend signing up for Lusty Locals unless you’re feeling particularly lucky (or reckless).

To make matters worse, many people who use the site report receiving spam messages from other members almost immediately after joining – which makes me wonder how secure their system actually is? And let’s face it: nobody wants to waste time dealing with random strangers trying to scam them out of money or personal information…so why bother taking such an unnecessary risk? The bottom line here is simple: don’t trust everything you see on Lusty Locals because chances are good something shady might be going down behind closed doors.

Help & Support

Ah, Lusty Locals. I’ve heard so much about this dating site and was really excited to try it out… until I tried getting in touch with their support team. Let me tell you: if there were ever a time when no response is worse than a bad one, that would be the case here!

First of all, don’t expect any help from them anytime soon – they are as slow as molasses when it comes to responding (if at all). And even then the answers weren’t very helpful or satisfactory; more often than not my questions went unanswered entirely. It’s like trying to get blood from a stone! Not only did they take forever but also failed miserably on providing an adequate answer every single time – talk about frustrating!

The worst part? There isn’t even an FAQ page where users can find solutions for common issues without having to wait around for days just hoping someone will eventually respond. What kind of customer service is that?! Even if you do manage to get through after what feels like eternity waiting by your computer screen – good luck actually understanding anything since most replies seem automated and pretty generic which makes them completely useless most times anyway… ughhh!!

To sum up my experience with Lusty Local’s support system: don’t bother wasting your precious energy because chances are you won’t hear back OR understand whatever reply does come in due course (and let me tell ya-that could take ages!). If anyone needs help navigating this website better off asking other members instead ’cause Lord knows how long before hearing back from those guys over there….

Lusty Locals features

Ugh, Lusty Locals. Where do I even begin? This dating site has been around for a while now and it’s not really living up to its name. The features are pretty basic – nothing special or unique here!

Let’s start with the free features on this website: they’re super limited and almost useless if you want to find someone who is actually compatible with you. You can only search by age range, gender, location… that’s about it! There isn’t any kind of personality matching feature so there’s no way of knowing whether or not your potential match will be into the same things as you before messaging them. Plus their profile section is incredibly sparse – all users get just one photo upload slot (really?!). So yeah…not great at all when compared to other sites out there which offer much more in terms of compatibility testing and profile customization options for free memberships..

As far as paid membership goes…it gets worse from here folks!! Sure they have some cool sounding bells-and-whistles like “message read receipts" but let me tell ya – those don’t make up for what else is missing from their platform such as advanced filters (like sexual orientation) plus chat rooms where people can interact without having an individual conversation first; both would come in handy when trying to narrow down possible matches quickly….which brings us back full circle because again – these kinds of helpful tools aren’t available unless you upgrade your account….so why bother??

All in all Lusty Locals doesn’t seem worth either time nor money right now unfortunately since most modern online daters expect more than what this site offers currently; better luck next time guys!!!

  • Ability to search for local singles
  • Matching algorithm to help find compatible partners
  • In-app messaging system for easy communication
  • Video chat feature for virtual dates
  • Profile verification to ensure authenticity of users


If you’re looking for a dating site that won’t break the bank, Lusty Locals is not it. The website requires users to pay for a subscription in order to access its features. While this may be common practice among online dating sites, there are many other services out there with more competitive prices and better benefits than what Lusty Locals offers.

For starters, their basic plan costs $19 per month which is on the high side compared to similar websites like Tinder or Bumble who offer free plans with limited features but still allow users enough options to find potential matches without having to shell out any money upfront. Even if you opt for one of their premium packages at $29/month or even up-to $49/month they don’t provide much extra value beyond some additional filters and search capabilities – nothing worth paying top dollar over!

Bottom line: If your goal is just finding someone special then maybe skip Lusty Local’s pricey subscriptions and try something else instead – trust me; you’ll thank yourself later!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Profile creation, Matching, Messaging
Plus $9.99/month Profile Boosts, Unlimited Likes, Advanced Filtering, Incognito Mode
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features, Read Receipts, Video Chatting, Priority Support

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include Match.com, Plenty of Fish, and eHarmony which offer a variety of features to help you find your perfect match. Additionally, there are many niche dating sites that cater to specific interests or lifestyles such as Christian Mingle or Farmers Only.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore their sexuality.
  • Best for couples seeking a third partner or someone to spice up their relationship.
  • Best for people who are open-minded and want to meet like-minded individuals in an accepting environment.


1. Is Lusty Locals worth it?

I wouldn’t recommend Lusty Locals – it’s not worth the hassle. The profiles are mostly fake and there’s no guarantee of finding someone real. Plus, you’ll be bombarded with spam messages from bots or scammers trying to get your personal info.

2. What payment methods does Lusty Locals accept?

Lusty Locals accepts all major credit cards, PayPal and even Bitcoin. Not sure why they need to be so flexible with payment methods on a dating site though… it’s kind of shady if you ask me. Plus, the fees are outrageous!

3. How to use Lusty Locals without paying?

Using Lusty Locals without paying is not recommended as it limits your access to the site’s features. You won’t be able to send messages or view profiles, so you’re really missing out on a lot of potential connections. Ultimately, if you want the best experience with online dating then signing up for an account and paying for premium services is worth it.

4. How does Lusty Locals work?

Lusty Locals is a dating site that makes it easy to hook up with people. It’s pretty much just like any other online dating service, except there are no real filters or safety measures in place so you have to be careful who you talk to. Overall, I’m not too impressed by the way Lusty Locals works.

Joann Cohen

Joann Cohen is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping people find love. She's passionate about the world of digital romance and loves writing reviews on different dating sites and apps. A graduate from the University of Florida, Joann studied psychology with a focus in human relationships. After college she decided to take her knowledge into the real world by working as a matchmaker for singles all over America. Through this experience, she gained invaluable insight into how technology can be used to make connections between two people more meaningful than ever before – something that sparked an interest in exploring further possibilities within online dating platforms themselves. In addition to being featured regularly on popular radio shows like NPR’s “All Things Considered” and CBS News Radio, Joann also runs her own blog which provides helpful advice for those looking for guidance when it comes navigating through their romantic lives digitally or otherwise! Her work has been praised widely across multiple media outlets including The New York Times Magazine where they referred to Joanne as "the go-to source" when it comes finding true love online - high praise indeed! When not busy reviewing various services or giving interviews regarding thematic topics related with modern day courtship rituals; you'll often find Joan travelling around Europe researching new trends within social dynamics – particularly ones related directly towards creating stronger bonds between couples both young & old alike regardless if met via traditional means or digital avenues such as Tinder/Bumble etc.. All these experiences have made Joan one of today's leading authorities on matters concerning contemporary relationship building techniques thus making sure no stone remains unturned during your journey towards discovering 'The One'.

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