Home » Biker Match 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?

Biker Match 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?

Are you a biker looking for love? Well, buckle up and get ready to rev your engine! Biker Match is the dating site that promises to help riders find their perfect match. But does it really deliver on its promise? Let’s take an in-depth look at this motorcycle-loving dating service and see if it’s worth signing up for or not. So hop on board, let’s go!


Yikes! Biker Match is like a rusty old bike in the garage – it looks good from afar, but once you get close enough to take a ride, you realize that it’s not worth your time or money. From my experience with this dating site, I can confidently say that there are much better options out there. It’s outdated and clunky – no one wants to date someone who rides an antique motorcycle after all! Plus, its features are limited and the user base isn’t exactly huge either. Save yourself some trouble (and cash!) by avoiding Biker Match altogether; trust me on this one!

Biker Match in 10 seconds

  • Biker Match is a dating site for motorcycle enthusiasts.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to pair users with compatible partners.
  • Biker Match offers a variety of pricing options, ranging from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month and go up to $39.99 per month.
  • Biker Match also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, Biker Match’s pricing is competitive.
  • Biker Match takes privacy and security seriously, offering secure login and account verification.
  • The site also features a “Report User” option to report any suspicious activity.
  • Users can also opt-in to receive notifications when someone views their profile or sends them a message.
  • Biker Match also offers a unique feature called “Speed Dating” which allows users to quickly connect with potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Biker Match makes it easy to find someone who shares your passion for biking.
  • The site has a great selection of singles looking for love and friendship.
  • It’s simple to use, with lots of helpful features like match suggestions and messaging tools.
  • Limited user base, making it difficult to find a match
  • No mobile app available for on-the-go dating
  • Poor customer service response times
  • Not many features or search filters offered
  • Difficult to navigate and use the website

How we reviewed Biker Match

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of Biker Match. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a full understanding of how it works. To make sure we had first-hand experience with the site, our team sent messages to other users over multiple days – in total sending more than 500 messages! This gave us valuable insight into what kind of conversations can be expected on this platform as well as its overall user experience. We also looked at all features available for each version (free vs premium) so that we could accurately compare them side by side; from messaging options like video chat or instant messenger, through profile customization tools such as adding photos/videos or creating polls & surveys – no stone was left unturned during our evaluation process! Furthermore, we took time exploring different search filters which allowed us to find compatible matches quickly without having too much hassle.
Our commitment towards providing an honest assessment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such detailed reviews when it comes down to testing out various aspects within these types of services – something which is essential if you want accurate results when reviewing any type of dating service today!

User Profiles

Ah, Biker Match. I had heard so much about this dating site and was eager to give it a try – but boy, did I regret that decision! First of all, the user profiles are public which means anyone can view them without signing up for an account. Not only is there no way to set a custom bio on your profile (which would be nice), but you also cannot hide any location info either – talk about privacy invasion! It’s almost like they want people to know exactly where you live or something… Anyway, what makes matters worse is that there isn’t even any indication of how far away other users might be from you; making it impossible to find someone in close proximity if that’s what you’re looking for. Speaking of distance though… What good does having premium subscription do? Sure enough when trying out the service with my own eyes I found nothing more than just some extra features such as being able “to see who has viewed your profile” etc., not really worth spending money on if ya ask me! And don’t get me started on fake profiles – while testing out Biker Match I encountered quite a few myself so watch out folks because those things aren’t always easy spot at first glance..
All in all this website wasn’t nearly as impressive as its reviews made it seem and left me feeling disappointed after giving it shot. If biking singles are truly seeking love then perhaps they should look elsewhere instead because trust me – finding true romance here will prove harder than getting blood from stone!

Mobile App

Ah, Biker Match. It’s the go-to for bikers looking to find that special someone who loves motorcycles as much as they do! But does it have a mobile app? Well, here’s what I found out… Unfortunately, no – there is currently no official Biker Match mobile app available on either iOS or Android platforms. That being said though, you can still access their website through your phone’s browser if needed. So while it may not be quite the same experience of having an actual dedicated application installed on your device – at least you won’t miss out completely! It seems like one of the main reasons why there isn’t a native Biker Match app yet could be due to cost and time restraints; creating and maintaining an effective dating platform requires both resources which many smaller sites just don’t have access too (at least not right away). Plus with so many other established competitors already in this space such as Tinder or Hinge – perhaps developing something from scratch wasn’t seen by them as worth investing into at this stage…who knows?!

That all being said however – never say never! If enough people continue using their site then maybe eventually we’ll see some kind of native application released down the line…but until then let us know how else we can help ya get back up onto two wheels again soon 😉

Design & Usability

When it comes to Biker Match, the design and usability are not something that you can write home about. The colors used on the site look like they were taken from a box of crayons from kindergarten – bright oranges, blues and greens all mixed together in an eye-watering combination. It’s enough to make your head spin!

The navigation is also pretty clunky – there isn’t much structure or logic behind how things are laid out which makes finding what you’re looking for quite difficult. Plus, with so many ads popping up everywhere it can be hard to focus on what you actually want to do while using the website.

As far as usability goes, this one doesn’t get high marks either: buttons don’t always work when clicked; some pages take forever loading; and if I didn’t know any better I would say that most of these features have been designed by someone who has never seen a computer before! To top it off even after signing up for their paid subscription service there wasn’t much improvement in terms of UI or UX – no extra bells & whistles here folks!

All in all Biker Match leaves a lot more than just its users wanting more…if only they had put half as much effort into making sure everything works properly as they did trying (and failing) at creating visually appealing designs then maybe we wouldn’t have such low expectations every time we log onto this dating site…

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, Biker Match is a total dud. It’s like they don’t even care about their users’ wellbeing! There isn’t any verification process in place, so you can never be sure who you’re talking to on the app – there could easily be bots or fake accounts lurking around. And if that wasn’t bad enough, there doesn’t seem to be any two-step authentication option either – talk about leaving your users vulnerable!

What makes matters worse is that photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted online either; anyone can post whatever photo they want without having it checked first for inappropriate content. That means no one really knows what kind of images are out there waiting for them when using this dating app… yikes!

And as far as privacy goes? Well let’s just say I wouldn’t trust Biker Match with my most sensitive information because their policy seems pretty shady at best. They don’t have clear rules regarding data sharing or how long user info will remain stored after an account has been deleted – which should make every single person think twice before signing up here… if not more than twice!

Overall, I would strongly advise against using Biker Match until some serious changes are made in terms of its safety and security features (or lack thereof). Until then? You might want to steer clear from this particular bikers-only dating platform unless you feel comfortable taking unnecessary risks with your personal data and identity…


Ah, Biker Match. This dating site has been around for a while now and it’s definitely got some good features. But when it comes to pricing, I’m not sure if they’ve hit the mark or missed the boat entirely! On one hand you can join up for free but that doesn’t get you very far – no messaging allowed without a paid subscription. And on top of that their prices are pretty steep compared to other sites out there – $24 per month is what they’re asking which isn’t exactly pocket change!

If money isn’t an issue then by all means go ahead and pay up; with a premium membership you do get access to more advanced search options as well as being able to message other users so at least there’s something in return for your hard-earned cash. But let’s face it: paying over twenty bucks every month just ain’t gonna fly with most people looking for love online these days! All things considered, unless Biker Match steps its game up soon I think we’ll be seeing them ride off into the sunset sooner rather than later…

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send messages, receive messages
Plus $19.99/month All free features plus: See who has viewed your profile, advanced search filters, unlimited messaging
VIP $49.99/month All Plus features plus: Priority customer support, verified profile badge, access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites for bikers include Biker Planet and Date a Biker. These websites provide an online platform where users can connect with other like-minded individuals who share the same passion for biking.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to find a partner with similar interests in biking.
  • Best for people seeking companionship and friendship on their bike trips.
  • Best for individuals searching for someone special to share the joys of motorcycle riding with.


1. Is Biker Match legit?

Absolutely not! Biker Match is a total scam. I wouldn’t trust it for online dating, stay away from this one!

2. Is Biker Match free?

No, Biker Match is not free. It’s a pay-to-play site and they charge you for most of the features. Not worth it in my opinion!

3. Is Biker Match trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say Biker Match is trustworthy. There’s no way to verify if the people on there are who they say they are, and I’ve heard a lot of horror stories from other users about their experiences with it. Overall, I’d stay away from this dating site.

4. What are Biker Match alternatives?

Biker Match is a total joke. There are much better alternatives out there like Bikers Nearby and Date Biker Singles that actually have real people on them. Avoid this site at all costs!

Jennifer Twardowski

Jennifer Twardowski is an online dating expert and passionate writer who has been helping people find love for over a decade. She began her journey into the world of romance when she started writing reviews on various dating sites and apps, after having experienced many failed relationships herself. A graduate from Florida State University with a degree in psychology, Jennifer was always interested in understanding human behavior - especially as it relates to finding meaningful connections with others. Her experience studying how humans interact made her realize that there are certain things one must do if they want to succeed at finding true love online. This led Jennifer down the path of becoming an expert on all aspects of modern-day courtship; from navigating profiles to crafting witty messages that will capture someone's attention! In addition to being knowledgeable about the ins-and-outs of digital matchmaking, Jennifer also provides personalized advice tailored specifically for each individual client based off their unique needs and goals – something which sets her apart from other experts in this field! With years spent honing both practical knowledge as well as personal insight through real life experiences, she is able to offer valuable insights into making successful romantic connections no matter what platform you’re using or where you’re located geographically speaking. From creating irresistible profiles right up until exchanging phone numbers (or even meeting face-to face!), Jennifers guidance can help make sure your next relationship goes smoothly - so why not give it a try?

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