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Matt Artisan

Matt Artisan is an online dating expert who has dedicated his life to helping others find love. With a degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and years of experience as a professional matchmaker, Matt has become one of the most sought-after experts on all things related to relationships and romance. After graduating college with honors, Matt started out working for various relationship counseling centers before eventually branching off into private practice where he could focus more closely on helping individuals navigate their way through the world of modern dating. He quickly became known as someone who had an eye for detail when it came to finding potential matches – something that soon led him down another path: writing reviews about different online dating sites and apps. Since then, Matt’s reviews have been featured in many major publications such as The New York Times Magazine and Cosmopolitan magazine; not only providing valuable insight into how these platforms work but also offering advice tailored specifically towards those looking for meaningful connections or even just some casual fun! His passion lies within creating honest yet helpful content that can help people make informed decisions when choosing which site or app they want to use - ultimately leading them closer towards finding true happiness with someone special (or at least having some enjoyable experiences along the way).